B2B online recharge, B2C online recharge, Airtel prepaid-postpaid online mobile recharge,

B2B online recharge, B2C online recharge, Airtel prepaid-postpaid online mobile recharge,

earn money through online recharge business

Earn money by doing recharge

earn money by doing recahrge

We like to give you a simple way of earning money by doing mobile-DTH-data card recharge through online or offline.

Just follow the simple procedures

·       Create free account in tpayindia website.
·       After creating account you need to transfer some funds in bank account.
·   Once we receive the confirmation about your transaction, we update your account balance with your commission.
· You will notice that you are getting commission on recharge automatically.

You can done your recharge into 2 ways,

   1)    Online  (API, website)   2)Off line (SMS based recharge system)


·       You can use tpayindia recharge API on your website.
·       Then start providing mobile-dth- data card recharge service on your own website and earn commission.
·       Our API offered in different category also like recharge API, white label API, and bulk SMS API, bus ticket booking API.
·       Through our API, distributors/retailers will get the commission or profit on the every recharge.

For more API information, click here


      We have added a proof of your earning method,

·       Log in your tpayindia account

·     After the login, select your service like mobile-dth-data card, Enter your mobile no, Select your service operator,     enter your amount, then click the recharge button.

·       At last, you will choose your payment option.

Now you finished your recharge with simple clicks.
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